Leland is proud to offer diverse programs that help students explore a variety of subjects and interests.
The Leland Music Program is an amazing program filled with new opportunities, connections, experiences and more! We offer 5 classes: Orchestra, Concert Band, Choir, Wind Ensemble, and Beginning Band! These all offer an array of instruments and styles of music! Some things our program includes is a yearly trip to Disneyland, VPA credits, chances to perform in concert and competitions, leadership opportunities, and more!
ASB and Leadership
The ASB/Leadership class runs the activities and events at Leland. Class commissioners, class officers, and ASB officers all contribute to uniting Leland High School and organizing over 30 events each year, Rallies, Dances, Talent Show, Mr. GQ, Career Week, Wellness Week, Spirit Weeks, and more! ASB is dedicated
to planning, advertising, and hosting events that cater to individuals of all interest groups, and acts as a liaison between the admin, clubs, teachers, and students. There are two Leadership classes in which students learn valuable leadership and life skills such as how to write a resume or how to create a budget in addition to organizing school events. Leland students of all backgrounds and interests—whether it be art, school spirit, or student recognition—are welcomed and encouraged to join the class. Students in the Leadership program are required to work at least 20 ASB-specific service hours in first semester and 25 hours in second semester to earn full credit.
The selection process is based on applications and interviews. No prior leadership experience is necessary.
Advanced Drama
This course is offered by semester (students can add/drop mid-year) and centers around the school production(s) each semester. Students interested in acting can audition to be in the fall play, student directed shorts, or the spring musical. Students interested in being part of crew pick specialties and receive hands-on training led by student leaders. This class is designed to extend skills introduced in Drama 1-2, such as acting, scene development, directing, and technical theater, but can be taken on its own (no prerequisite).
Speech and Debate
Leland Speech and Debate is an official member of the National Speech and Debate Association, the governing arm of forensics for secondary education. Through this organization, the team has consistently ranked among the best in the nation and is first in the nation this year and last. Participation in speech and debate does not conflict with other school activities. Practice sessions are available weekdays into evening hours and on Saturdays and Sundays. The team does not have a “star-system.” Coaching and participation in tournaments are open to all students who display effort and focus. Leland students must compete in two of the following categories - either two public speaking categories, or one speech and one debate category in at least three tournaments per semester to earn full credit. Leland Speech and Debate also has extensive community involvement. Leland Speech students work with Bret Harte and Burnett Middle Schools, and Lowell and Horace Mann Elementary Schools.
Selection for the Speech and Debate class Dramatic interpretation is based on applications. No prior experience in speech and debate is necessary and we do not hold auditions for acceptance into the class.
The Charger Account is Leland’s nationally-recognized, student-run newspaper! Staff writers, page editors, photographers, media creators and artists all contribute in producing monthly issues that cover topics ranging from community news to entertainment. The Charger Account reaches 3,200 students and community members monthly, and there are numerous leadership opportunities involved, including (but not limited to) Page Editor, Editor-in-Chief, Photo Director, Art Director, and Media Manager.